2018 Club Officers




Jørn Jensen 


Gretchen Yoder-Schrock

Vice President

Robert Miller


Angelica Dannenberg


SVRC Officer Job Descriptions

South Valley Running Club officers serve a one (1) year term. Each year at the annual meeting new officers are nominated and elected from members in good standing. The South Valley Running Club recognizes four (4) officer positions and four (5) non-officer supporting roles.

The officer positions are President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. These are elected positions. 

The supporting positions are Road Runners Club of America (RRCA) Liaison, Webmaster, and Newsletter/Calendar, and New Member Liaison. These positions are volunteer position and serve a variable length of time.

The roles and responsibilities of these positions are listed below. 


The President’s job entails the following duties:

  • Promote the Club, drive awareness, and strive to increase membership. 
  • Be a spokesperson for ClubContact media when necessary
  • Contact race directors for Grand Prix events and negotiate (VP back-up)
  • Welcome new members directly by email, phone, or in person
  • Respond to all Club inquiries (phone, fax, email) personally within 48 hours. (VP is back-up)
  • Attend monthly Officer’s Meeting.
  • Conduct/coordinate Club meetings (VP back-up)
  • Secure location
  • Conduct/coordinate monthly Officer’s Meetings.
  • Identify issues for discussion at the general club meeting with input from all officers. 
  • Obtain the final printed agenda from Secretary to be used at the general Club meeting.
  • Coordinate with all members/volunteers to conduct Club’s local challenge runs.


Approximate Time Commitment: 6-8 hours per month

Vice President

The Vice President’s job entails the following duties:

  • Attend monthly Officer’s Meeting.
  • Assume President’s job when President is unavailable, (i.e., run the monthly meeting).
  • Manage Guest speaker series
  • Manage the Calendar
  • Contact race directors for Grand Prix events and negotiate club discounts
  • Schedule and reserve annual club banquet, BBQ and any other special events
  • Back-up to President for responses to phone, fax and email inquires

Plan for and provide food, beverages, utensils and other items as necessary for monthly club meetings and special events


Approximate Time Commitment: 6-8 hours per month


The Secretaries job entails the following duties:

  • Attend monthly Officer’s Meeting.
  • Prepare agenda for the club meetings using input from other officers at Officer’s Meeting.
  • Make copies of agenda to distribute at the club meetings.
  • Record and publish minutes from the board meetings.
  • Maintain data files/art work, and contact information for ordering club apparel.
  • Retain a current list of members.
  • Maintain copy of Bylaws as amended or otherwise altered to date.
  • Maintain a Procedure Manual that spells out the detailed responsibilities for all officers and contains a copy of all meeting minutes as well as annual time schedule for club activities and all pertinent club documents.
  • Apply for County Parks permit each yearMaintain state registration documents


Approximate Time Commitment: 6-8 hours per month


The Tresurer’s job entails the following duties:

  • Attend monthly Officer’s Meeting.
  • Prepare/present a budget for each year
  • Invoice club duesProcess dues
  • Reconcile bank statements.
  • Cut checksTrack expenses/income
  • Maintain club roster. 
  • Make copies for other officers as needed.
  • Send new members welcome letters and membership cards, then notify President 
  • Send Yahoo Newgroup invite to new members
  • Provide financial statements for both the board and club meetings
  • Maintain all bank accounts and signature cards
  • Record & track fees paid/deposited
  • Prepare financial reports for club managed races
  • Prepare budgets for club managed races
  • Collect fees from Allsport/Active.comPick up registrations from PO Box


Approximate Time Commitment: 5 hours per month

Non-Officer Supporting Roles

RRCA Liason

The RRCA Liason’s job entails the following duties:

  • Review the list of active members (counting number of households) for calculating the RRCA annual membership dues
  • Report/estimate number of club sanctioned events for insurance purposes
  • Submit this and other misc. paperwork to RRCA
  • Serve as the conduit between RRCA organization and the Club
  • Report to Board members and general membership, if necessary, any RRCA information/updates 


Approximate Time Commitment: 10 for the year


The Webmaster’s job entails the following duties:

  • Update the club website monthly with:
  • Monthly club newsletters, calendars.
  • Officer’s meeting agendas and minutes.
  • Grand Prix race results
  • Update the club website yearly with:
  • Flyers and verbiage for club sponsored runs
  • Create content as needed to support these events
  • Post Race results
  • Update the club website as needed with:
  • New content to reflect current club functions
  • New links to affiliations and sponsors
  • The above work requires creation of web content, content clean-up, reformatting of content, translations of content to different formats, graphic manipulation and graphic design work.
  • Creating, Deleting, Updating club web email accounts, including period purging of old emails and removal of spam emails for all officer accounts and general club accounts.


Approximate Time Commitment: 20 hours per month